Martijn van der Pas

Sicily, Italy

Intersection of Hreflang and Canonical Tags

In the evolving landscape of technical documentation and internationalized web applications, MDX (Markdown + JSX) has emerged as a powerful format for creating interactive, multilingual content. However, implementing proper SEO for MDX-based documentation presents unique challenges, particularly when handling the complex relationship between hreflang annotations and canonical tags. This article explores the technical nuances of implementing these critical SEO elements within MDX documentation systems.

Understanding the Core Concepts

MDX Architecture in Documentation Systems

MDX extends traditional Markdown by allowing embedded JSX components, making it ideal for technical documentation that requires interactive examples or complex visualizations. In documentation systems, MDX files are typically processed through a compilation pipeline that may include:

// Simplified MDX processing pipeline
import { compile } from '@mdx-js/mdx'
import remarkGfm from 'remark-gfm'
import rehypeSlug from 'rehype-slug'

const compileMDX = async (source) => {
  const result = await compile(source, {
    remarkPlugins: [remarkGfm],
    rehypePlugins: [rehypeSlug]
  return result

Hreflang Implementation Challenges

Hreflang annotations signal to search engines which language or regional version of a page should be shown to users in specific locations. In MDX documentation, these must often be programmatically generated based on the content's locale variants:

// Generating hreflang links in MDX context
export function generateHreflangs(currentPath, availableLocales) {
  return => {
    const localePath = locale === 'en' ? currentPath : `/${locale}${currentPath}`
    return {
      rel: 'alternate',
      hreflang: locale,
      href: `${localePath}`

Canonical Tag Implementation

Canonical tags help prevent duplicate content issues by specifying the "preferred" version of a page. In MDX documentation, these must be carefully coordinated with hreflang annotations:

// Defining canonical URL in MDX frontmatter
export const frontmatter = {
  title: 'Advanced Configuration',
  canonical: ''

The Technical Intersection

The Coordination Challenge

The primary technical challenge lies in ensuring canonical tags and hreflang annotations work together coherently. Consider a documentation page available in multiple languages—each language version must:

  1. Canonicalize to itself (not to another language version)
  2. Include proper hreflang annotations to all other language versions
  3. Maintain this relationship even when the content is processed through the MDX compilation pipeline

MDX Meta Component Implementation

A robust approach is implementing a custom <SEOMeta> component that can be used within MDX files:

// SEOMeta.jsx component for MDX
export default function SEOMeta({ 
}) {
  const canonicalUrl = `${canonicalPath}`
  // Generate hreflangs including self-reference
  const hreflangs = => {
    const path = locale === 'en' 
      ? canonicalPath 
      : `/${locale}${canonicalPath}`
    return {
      rel: 'alternate',
      hreflang: locale,
      href: `${path}`
  // Add x-default hreflang
    rel: 'alternate',
    hreflang: 'x-default',
    href: `${canonicalPath}`
  return (
      <link rel="canonical" href={canonicalUrl} />
      {, i) => (
        <link key={i} rel={link.rel} hreflang={link.hreflang} href={link.href} />

Integrating with MDX Processing

To implement this correctly within an MDX-based documentation system, you must integrate the SEO component with your MDX processing pipeline:

// MDX processor with SEO enhancement
import { MDXProvider } from '@mdx-js/react'
import SEOMeta from './components/SEOMeta'

export default function DocPage({ mdxSource, availableLocales, currentLocale, slug }) {
  // Generate canonical path from slug
  const canonicalPath = `/docs/${slug}`
  const components = {
    // MDX components mapping
  return (
      <MDXProvider components={components}>
        <MDXContent />

Advanced Technical Considerations

Handling Dynamic Routes and Nested Content

Documentation systems with dynamic routing require special handling to maintain proper hreflang and canonical relationships:

// For dynamic routes in Next.js with MDX
export async function getStaticProps({ params, locale }) {
  const { slug } = params
  const mdxSource = await getDocBySlug(slug, locale)
  // Fetch available translations for this specific document
  const availableLocales = await getAvailableLocalesForDoc(slug)
  return {
    props: {
      currentLocale: locale

Handling Content Versioning

Documentation systems often maintain multiple versions of content, further complicating the hreflang and canonical implementation:

// Handling versioned content
function getCanonicalForVersionedContent(slug, version, currentLocale) {
  // Always canonicalize to the latest version
  const isLatestVersion = version === 'latest'
  return isLatestVersion
    ? `/docs/${slug}`
    : `/docs/${slug}` // Canonicalize to versionless URL

Implementation Best Practices

When implementing hreflang and canonical tags in MDX documentation:

  1. Maintain bidirectional hreflang annotations: Ensure each language variant references all other variants correctly.
  2. Use absolute URLs: Always use fully qualified URLs for both hreflang and canonical tags.
  3. Implement proper self-referencing canonicals: Each language variant should canonicalize to itself, not to a "primary" language.
  4. Include x-default hreflang: Properly implement the x-default hreflang for language selection fallback.
  5. Validate implementation: Use tools like Google's Internationalization Validator to verify your implementation.